

Amalgamation is not a new thing by any means and in many ways it’s the great-great-great ancestor of what we get to call today single file or header only libraries.

Now, single file libraries don’t necessarily have to be constructed through amalgamation, but many of them are, simply because of ergonomics and ease of development.

There are a few distinct approaches that one can take on the path to achieve amalgamation, namely:


Lua for instance takes route number three with the neatly tucked away one.c source file, provided as one of the lesser known extras, not part of the Lua source code tarball.

So, let’s take a look at how this works when it comes to Lua by performing the following incantations:

$ wget
$ tar xzvf lua-5.4.6.tar.gz
$ cd lua-5.4.6/src
$ wget
$ cc -O2 -DLUA_USE_POSIX -lm one.c -o lua
$ ./lua
Lua 5.4.6  Copyright (C) 1994-2023, PUC-Rio
> print("Hello World")
Hello World

What about building a static library instead? Sure thing!

$ cc -O2 -DLUA_USE_POSIX -DMAKE_LIB -c one.c -o one.o
$ ar rcs liblua.a one.o

Then let’s try it out and see if it’s all in good working order.

$ cat > helloworld.c
#include "lua.h"
#include "lualib.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();
	if(L != NULL)
		luaL_dostring(L, "print('Hello World')");
	return 0;
$ cc -O2 -DLUA_USE_POSIX helloworld.c -L. -llua -lm -o helloworld
$ ldd helloworld => /usr/lib/ => /usr/lib/
/lib64/ => /usr/lib64/
$ ./helloworld
Hello World

Even though I illustrated this on Linux, it works just as beautifully on macOS (OSX) or windows (including with your fan favorite and darling of the great peoples of the interwebs – MSVC).


Following in the footsteps of Lua, I wanted to create a similar source file for Ninja, which would allow one to compile it easily and seamlessly without the need for any third-party tools like cmake or python to be present and required. All would one need is a relatively modern (ugh!) C++ compiler.

There was one tiny little problem though. Two of the Ninja headers didn’t seem to have any include guards which made amalgamation impossible.

So, I took mattrs in my own hands and ended up creating a super tiny pull request, that added the missing include guards to the relevant header files. I didn’t expect it to be approved and merged anytime soon to be honest, but surprisingly enough, it was all said and done in a matter of a few days.

With that out of the way, it was now possible to complete my experiment.

$ git clone
$ cd ninja/src
$ wget
$ c++ -O2 -o ninja
$ ./ninja --version

Once my changes end up in an official release of Ninja, it will be possible to just download the official tarball without having to clone the actual Git repository.

And just like that, no more cmake or python needed to bootstrap Ninja from scratch on pretty much all the supported platforms. Pretty damn’ neat, isn’t it? I think so too!

2024-02-24  /  c