2022 October Retrospective
This glorious month I spent some more time working on Niva, the experimental 2D graphics playground that I mentioned back in april, if I am not entirely and completely mistaken.
There is still a whole lot of the Cairo/Pango + some GTK API to expose to Lua, but it’s getting there.
One of the things I focused on in particular was getting some of the Pango API exposed to Lua. The results of which you can witness in the GIF below.
Speaking of fonts, the font you can see in the GIF above is the excellent Yulong font.
local w, h = canvas_current_size()
local num_segments = 3
local rd = 256
local sin = math.sin
local cos = math.cos
local sqrt = math.sqrt
local sprintf = string.format
set_font(sprintf("Yulong Bold %d", 192))
function draw(w, h, rd, num_segments)
local xc = w >> 1
local yc = h >> 1
local theta = 2 * math.pi / num_segments
local s = sprintf("%02d", num_segments)
local tx, ty = measure_text(s, rd, rd)
clear(1, 1, 1, 1)
set_color(0, 0, 0, 1)
text(tx + 4, ty + 4, s)
set_color(1, 0, 0, 1)
text(tx, ty, s)
set_color(0, 0, 0, 1)
grid(0, 0, w, h, rd, rd)
set_color(1, 0.1 * theta, 0.4 * theta, 1)
for i=0,num_segments-1 do
local x = xc + cos(i * theta) * rd
local y = yc + sin(i * theta) * rd
line_to(x, y)
set_line_width(num_segments * theta)
set_color(0, 0.4, 0.4 * theta, 1)
local l = rd * 0.5
for i=0,num_segments-1 do
local xx = cos(i * theta) * rd
local yy = sin(i * theta) * rd
local x = xc + xx
local y = yc + yy
local invlen = 1.0 / sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy) * l
local dx = xx * invlen
local dy = yy * invlen
move_to(x, y)
line_to(x + dx, y + dy)
draw(w, h, rd, num_segments)
if argv and argv[1] == "--preview" then
As for Pango, the only time I used it was when I built my terminal emulator called Marmota, but in that particular instance it was nothing more than parsing a font description and then passing it to libvte. No actual drawing on a proverbial canvas or anything.
One particularly nasty thing with Pango is the inability to use custom user defined fonts without doing any hacks.
In order to show you what I mean by this, please take a look at the implementation of the register_font
function used in the Lua script above.
int nva_lua_canvas_register_font(lua_State *L)
bool result;
const char *filename;
filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
result = FcConfigAppFontAddFile(
(const FcChar8 *) filename
lua_pushboolean(L, result);
return 1;
Oh yeah, one has to abuse the fontconfig
API in order to make the custom font available for Pango to be able to pick up and use.
pango_font_description_from_string("Yulong Bold 16")
I don’t want to end on a bad note, but it’s a mess and makes Pango totally unsuitable for anything portable.
One might say that it’s fine, since Pango is heavily tied to the GTK and Gnome ecosystems; which is true of course, but on the other hand GTK fancies itself as a portable toolkit of sorts. Oh well.
2022-10-31 / retrospective