
2014 Shakedown

It’s been a quite long time since I discussed anything on this blog.

One could say that I neglected it, which is not an entirely accurate claim, but it’s not very far from the truth.

I do have a bunch of ideas to write posts about, but most of them would conflict with my basic rule of three: No sex, politics or religion on the blog.

Anyways, all is well, 2014 has been a year where I released quite a few open source projects.

I will talk about some of my work-in-progress-not-yet-open-source projects in a series of separate posts starting next year.

Please note, the projects listed below are not in chronological order of their release date.

Oh, and by the way, I didn’t get married.

Floppy Bird

Floppy Bird is a clone of the infamous Flappy Bird written in 16 bit (x86) assembly.

You can find out more about it over here.


Fz2D is a 2D game engine and framework.

You can find out more about it over here.


NVX is an image “voxalizer”. It will take a 2D image and create a 3D model.

You can find out more about it over here.

Nine Dots Dungeon

Nine Dots Dungeon was my entry for Ludum Dare 31.

You can find out more about it over here.


Sniknej is a standalone front-end for Jenkins.

You can find out more about it over here.


A simple serverless NoSQL (JSON) document storage system.

require 'jsonoid'

Jsonoid.configure do |config|
  config.db = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'db')

class Post
  include Jsonoid::Document
  include Jsonoid::Timestamp

  before_save :add_byline

  field :title
  field :description
  field :author, :type => String
  field :score, :type => Integer


  def add_byline
    self.description += "\n#{}" unless

post = => 'Hello World')
post.description = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' = 'Fox'
post.score = 10
post = Post.find('2cfe7b2e885f225746264b3c6c0beb57')
post.destroy unless post.nil?

You can find out more about it over here.


Cowmos is a small birthro for Valeria. You can watch it over here.

You can find out more about it over here.


A small enum implementation for Ruby.

class Model
  include Mongoid::Document
  include NanoEnum

  TYPE = enum :apple => 15, :orange => 16

  field :type, :type => TYPE, :default => TYPE::ORANGE
  # field :type, :type => Integer, :default => TYPE::ORANGE
  validates_inclusion_of :type, :in => TYPE

You can find out more about it over here.

Gimp Font Atlas Creator

A small Script FU plugin for GIMP that creates font atlases. Ideal for mono-spaced fonts.

You can find out more about it over here.


A small “experimental” (x86 like) virtual machine written in Ruby.

; Prints first N from the Fibonacci sequence.
  mov dx, 78
  prc dx

  mov dx, 58
  prc dx

  rdr dx
  cmp dx, 0
  je read_n

mov cx, 0
mov ax, 0
mov bx, 1

  prr bx

  push bx
  add bx, ax
  pop ax

  add cx, 1
  cmp cx, dx
  jne loop
ruby vm.rb fibo.asm

You can find out more about it over here.


Quick and dirty Pong clone written in Ruby that runs in your terminal. Requires ncurses.

You can find out more about it over here.


Screenshot Saturday Twitter Scrapper.

You can find out more about it over here.


BASH script to build a texture atlas for games. Requires ImageMagick.

While not entirely written by me, I did some improvements to it.

You can find out more about it over here.

2014-12-31  /  retrospective